Time & Location
Sep 21, 2019, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Liberty Traditional School, 3300 N Lake Valley Rd, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314, USA
About the Event
The purpose of the AKC Fast CAT event is to provide all dogs and their owners an enjoyable, healthy activity in which they can participate. Dogs run singularly. The dog’s time to complete the 100 yard dash is converted into MPH. Dogs earn points based on their handicapped speed. Titles are awarded when a dog has accumulated a given number of points.
There is a handicap for dogs 12 inches and under, 12-18 inches and over 18 inches.
Titles are earned by accumulating points. The following titles will be awarded: BCAT = 150 Points; DCAT = 500 points; FCAT = 1,000 points; and FCAT followed by a number (e.g. FCAT2) for every additional 500 points. These suffix titles will appear on a dog’s pedigree, with a higher level title superseding a lower level title. TOP 20 DOGS BY BREED BY YEAR. National rankings showing the top 20 fastest times in MPH by breed for a calendar year will be maintained on the Fast CAT website.